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Monday, February 27, 2012
Report: Russia, Ukraine foiled plot to kill Putin (AP)
Tornado season looms, but forecasting a challenge
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Tornado season is starting, but don't ask meteorologists how bad it will be this spring and summer.
They don't know. They're having a hard enough time getting a fix on the likely path of storms expected in the next 48 hours, from the Ohio Valley to the Southeast coast.
The very nature of tornadoes makes them the wildcard of weather disasters. It's just hard to figure when and where they'll appear.
On Wednesday night, one hit Rome, Ga., the National Weather Service said, with winds of 95 mph, leaving a 3-mile swath of destruction.
It's not the first one of the year. In January two people were killed by separate twisters in Alabama. Preliminary reports showed 95 tornadoes struck last month, compared with 16 in January 2011, a particularly stormy year.
The season usually starts in March and then ramps up for the next couple of months, but forecasting a seasonal outlook is even more imprecise than predicting hurricane seasons. Tornadoes are too small and too short-lived. They don't develop like blizzards and hurricanes, which are easier to project.
They pop in and pop out. The storms that give them birth may last only a few hours. Hurricanes and blizzards are lumbering beasts that spend days moving across the satellite maps. When a hurricane approaches, coastlines get days to evacuate. With a tornado, if the weather service can let people know 20 minutes in advance, it's considered a victory.
The deadly Joplin, Mo., tornado "wasn't violent until just about the time it got to the hospital," said Harold Brooks, a research scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Severe Storms Laboratory, in Norman, Okla. "Even when you're in the field, there are still times when you're surprised by the intensity of the event and how quickly it started."
The federal storm center says 158 died in that storm; local officials count 161.
If a forecast for a hurricane or blizzard is off by a mile, it's still bad weather. But a mile difference means no damage in a tornado, Brooks said: "It's so much finer in time and space on the tornado, it does make it a harder problem."
It takes a piece of debris only a few seconds to fly around an entire tornado; it takes hours to circle a hurricane. Yet tornadoes, though smaller, can have stronger winds. Since 1950, there have been 58 tornadoes in the United States with winds exceeding 200 mph; six last year alone. Only three hurricanes have made U.S. landfall with winds more than 155 mph.
And forecasters are telling the Southeast and Midwest to get ready again.
"It looks like this week we're moving into a slightly more active dynamic pattern," said warning meteorologist Greg Carbin at the National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center, also in Norman, Okla.
The percolating Ohio Valley/Southeastern storm is proof of how hard meteorologists have it. On Tuesday evening, Carbin said, "We're kind of expecting it to be a fairly significant event" and the storm center's website had a small red swath for potential severe storms with tornadoes.
By Wednesday afternoon, the storm prediction center massively expanded its Thursday watch area to include 14 states from Florida to Indiana. By Thursday afternoon, it was down to mostly Kentucky and Tennessee with parts of neighboring states.
"A lot of things have to come together at once to have a tornadic storm and the skill at forecasting all those things is near zero," said Howard Bluestein, a professor at the University of Oklahoma. "They are definitely more unpredictable."
All this comes on the heels of one of the worst tornado years in U.S. history. Tornadoes in 2011 started the earliest ever - New Year's Day - killing 550 people, injuring 5,400 and causing $10 billion in damage over the year, the most in U.S. history. The 2011 season had the most tornadoes in a single day and a single month on record.
But if you ask tornado experts what that means for this year, they'll answer that they just don't know.
Some meteorologists mention La Nina, the flip side of El Nino, as an indicator. It's a cooling of the central Pacific Ocean. Scientists have noticed a correlation between strong La Ninas and active tornado seasons - including last year. But it's not that simple or clear-cut, Columbia University professor Michael Tippett said. The current La Nina is weakening so much it shouldn't be a factor this year, several experts said.
Tippett has a new study that gives some hope, pointing out potential factors - vertical wind shear, updraft and a type of rainfall - that might help for long-range tornado forecasts.
Later this summer, meteorologists will meet in a special conference to try to figure out how to do that type of longer-term tornado prediction. And the National Weather Service is installing new radar for live forecasting, tracking and distinguishing of tornadoes that could save lives in real-time because forecasters can be more certain in their warnings, said National Weather Service meteorologist Paul Schlatter.
All those elements together mean that maybe by 2020 or so, meteorologists will be able to say watch out this season or relax a bit - but not just yet, said federal researcher Brooks.
National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center:
National Weather Service's summary of 2011 tornado season:
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Elder Care For Senior Citizens | Article Hub
Elder care is advised for those people who want to stay at home but need to be cared for constantly which the family members cannot provide frequently. With the elder care, the senior citizens would be provided with help from outside source while allowing them the opportunity to live at their homes non-centrally as long as possible.
The services will differ from minimal health care for those with minimum health concerns, to intensive health care for seniors with health issues terminal illness, disability or recuperation. With the help of the elder care service most of the family members of elderly people affected with Alzheimer?s disease or any other related disease, like the senior member to be cared for in a home environment.
The elder care service can be accessed simply by hiring a caregiver or also by contacting the service agencies for elder care. The elder care services include both stay-in as well as stay-out services. Thus while some elder care services provide medical help on the basis of pre-plotted timetable, some try to give companion services through stay-in workers.
The companionship services of the elder care can ideal for those physically healthy senior citizens who need some form of help in order to fulfill their daily activities or ADLs. The main target of the service is to let the senior citizens live non-centrally at their own homes for as long as possible. There is non-medical help.
Here the elder care provided is mainly to give a significance of friendship to the physically fit elders who live lonely. The duty of the elder care is to provide security and also to provide information to the family members of the well-being of the senior. The elder care is able to able to make the daily care activities into enjoyable moments of conversation and fun activities like solving puzzles, strolling in the park, viewing ancient pictures, playing scrabble etc. Hence, the elder care tries to be there for the senior citizens in order to keep them physically and mentally alert and also to give them emotional support.
Looking to find the best deal on elder care, then visit to find the best advice on senior services for you.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Preserving Financial Data regarding Income Taxes for Businesses ...
Keeping records is amongst the most time consuming responsibilities affiliated with operating a business. It can be a task that many individuals procrastinate on. Getting your accounting data close at hand is vital to make decisions as well as keeping your information systems current.
Having said that, maintaining records is essential and needed to finish your income taxes. In case your company gets audited, proper recordkeeping routines can keep you from paying the government a substantial amount of cash. You may have to supply financial data to be allowed to keep all your deductions. Documents can include invoices, financial statements, charge card documents and much more. Failing to supply appropriate verification might cause your tax deductions to become not accepted.
As a small business owner, your time is valuable and limited. You should strive to get your bookkeeping done as productively as possible. This could consist of using software to do much of the heavy lifting for you. For example, QuickBooks reduces the amount of work you have to do by eliminating redundant tasks. When you print a check in QuickBooks, the expense is already posted in the proper category. It?s vital that you keep yourself form doing duplicate work.
You must also refrain from mixing money through any bank account for which you make personal transactions through. This is the case irrespective of whether your enterprise is a corporation. If you happen to be audited and the Internal Revenue Service professional is aware that numerous private merchandise is acquired via your company bank account, the representative could be more prone to not allow a deduction. Meals along with entertainment are typically 50 percent tax deductible. Nonetheless, it has to be entirely transparent that they are company expenditures. It?s usually a good habit to split up private and organization purchases.
If you are using your automobile for company use, you don?t have to keep a record regarding every expenditure. As an alternative, you may monitor your miles. You?ll be able to have a write-off using the quantity of miles that you?ve driven during the entire income tax year.
Furthermore, financial data are essential every time you purchase or sell a business asset. You have to show the price you paid for the asset along with the price you traded it for. Business assets which are capital investments call for depreciation. Basically, the amount of tax in which you can deduct should cover the practical lifetime of the capital asset.
One of the most frequently asked questions about recordkeeping is how long is it necessary to maintain records. At a minimum, you should keep records that are within the statute of limitations of the IRS. This is generally the later of three years after you file or two years after you pay any taxes due. You should keep copies of your income taxes even longer. The statute of limitations assumes that you filed those returns and paid any taxes that were due. If the IRS has no record of a return that was filed, then there is no statute of limitations. Having said that, it?s best to err on the side of caution when maintaining your financial records.
Eileen Jacobs is a tax accountant from Las Vegas, NV. tax preparation Las Vegas
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Friday, February 24, 2012
First Horses Shrunk by Warming Climate
The sizes of the earliest equines followed the ancient temperatures through major climate change, adding evidence to a centuries-old evolutionary theory
By Katherine Harmon ?| February 23, 2012?|
Pony down: Did ancient warming shrink the earliest horses? Scientists are already noticing other animals getting smaller with contemporary climate change.
Image: /Danielle Byerley/Florida Museum of Natural History
The first horses in North America would not have been able to hold their own in the Triple Crown. At just about 5.6 kilograms the Sifrhippus sandrae hoofed onto the scene some 56 million years ago about the size of a small dog.
But then a funny thing happened. In the next 130,000 years during the Paleocene?Eocene Thermal Maximum, these small equines got even smaller, reaching the tiny size of 3.9 kilograms?some 30 percent lighter than their initial heft. Just 45,000 years later, however, the genus had bulked up to seven kilograms. And the horses were not the only ones. Many other mammals in the area followed the same pattern.
These animals' sizes likely resulted from relatively rapid climate change, suggest the authors of a new study published online Thursday in Science.
The study "highlights the importance of temperature on evolution?particularly mammal evolution," says Felisa Smith, a professor of biology at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, who wrote an essay on the findings in the same issue of Science. And it adds a new high-resolution tracking of body size and temperature during a crucial?and long puzzling?time in geologic history.
View a slide show of
Looking the small horse in the mouth
The researchers did not have complete skeletons to measure for all of the animals, so to track the size of the horses over time they looked at their teeth?in particular, their molars. "It turns out that teeth are much better than femurs," Smith says. A leg bone "does tell you something about size, but teeth are much better." And as far as teeth go, she says, "the best thing to know is the area of the first molar."
The teeth came from a fossil-rich area called Cabin Fork in Wyoming and are part of a substantial collection at the University of Florida built in part by study co-author Jonathan Bloch, an associate curator of vertebrate paleontology there. From the collection, the research team could estimate the size of about 44 diminutive adult horses.
Some 40 percent of other mammals in the area seem to have experienced similar shrinking and subsequent growth, notes co-author Ross Secord, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Nebraska?Lincoln. They stuck with the small horses, however, because they had much more solid records from which to accurately date the samples.
The researchers used oxygen isotopes left by freshwater in the fossils to track mean annual temperature from when the animals had been alive. In particular, they sampled the isotopes from teeth of a large, water-dwelling mammal Coryphodon. With these isotope readings, "you get a little, tiny window as to what the temperature was at that time," Smith says.
This close reading has excited Smith and others who have been tracking animal size over the ages. "Although we knew that temperature might set a maximum for body size," Smith says, the new findings actually present a mechanism?and do so in a very detailed manner, showing "how animals responded to a particular temperature at a particular place at a particular time."
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Learning The Techniques Of Conversational Hypnosis | Self ...
If you are curious about conversational hypnosis, the best thing to do is to research on the subject and read about it. Find out as much as you can about the techniques and how they should be applied. The local library is a good place to start, or the internet. There are so many articles and programs that talk about this technique. It is good if the information that you need is free and obtainable. However, this is not the best way to learn the techniques.
You can learn from a hypnotherapist if you know one who uses the technique. They may just teach you the rudiments. If this is the only options that you have then take it and learn more as you go along.
However, if it can get you all you need, then it is cost effective.
?About Free Online Conversational Hypnosis Programs
There are quite a few free downloads for conversational hypnosis education and training all of which are claiming to be the latest thing in the field. Unfortunately, most of these freebies are not what they seem and they are fooling a lot of people into thinking they are getting the real deal.
The free conversational hypnosis programs online are free because the iformation and the techniques used are not only out of date they are also passe. It has been found that the free information are free because they are the ones that other people can get online also for free. But unscrupulous individuals will always want to get something out of nothing, so every time someone clicks on their link they make money, from free and outdated information. So dear readers, don?t get fooled into thinking you will get something out of nothing in this case and look for something legitimate instead.
Gentle Persuasion and Conversational Hypnosis
People think that conversational hypnosis is only applicable to the marketing strategists who make a lot of money out from using its techniques. What they do not know that people can use the same techniques in everyday situations too.Dealing with children and teenagers always frustrates the harassed parent and when the frustration hits there is not ?right way? to deal with them because the dealing that starts with a wrong step will most assuredly end with disaster. Use the techniques of conversational hypnosis by subtly and gently persuading the frustrated child or teenager to do something else. By gently prodding into their subconscious, the parent could inject an image or a need that will be interpreted by the child or teenager as their own idea. The suggestions should be one of calmness and logic, nothing nasty. This should calm down the child or teen and they would actually feel more confident in themselves that they were able to reason out with the adult.
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Drawing a Picture of Business Ethics: Infographic | i-Sight ...
An infographic based on the findings from the 2011 National Business Ethics Survey published by the Ethics Resource Center.
When it comes to business ethics, there?s good news and there?s bad news. Despite what you may see in the headlines, observed misconduct in US workplaces has reached historic lows and more employees than ever before are blowing the whistle on workplace misconduct. Unfortunately, retaliation claims have risen sharply at the same time.
With an increasing number of employees reporting a weak ethical culture in their organizations, it?s clear that things still need to change.
We put together an inforgraphic based on the findings from the 2011 National Business Ethics Survey conducted by the Ethics Resource Center (ERC).?The survey is published every two years and takes a look at business ethics from an employee perspective.? Over the years, the findings from the survey have been used to identify trends and the factors that impact business ethics, offering suggestions and steps companies can take to reinforce their commitment to ethics. In 2011, the survey looked at:
- The economy?s influence on ethical behavior
- Levels of observed and reported workplace misconduct
- Ethics challenges facing active social networkers
- Retaliation against whistleblowers
- Ethics culture within an organization
- Employee confidence in management
Slide Deck
Articles About the 2011 NBES
The Cost Of ?Doing The Right Thing?
- Patricia Harned, President, Ethics Resource Center, Huffington Post
Whistleblowers face most corporate retaliation ever in 2011
- Tiffany Hsu, LA Times
Survey Sees Less Misconduct But More Reporting And Retaliation
-Samuel Rubenfeld, WSJ Corruption Currents
Study: Social networkers have more ethics problems at work
- Colleen Taylor, GigaOM
Ethics Study: More Employees Report Seeing Illegal Donations
- Janie Lorber, Roll Call
Workplace Snitching: If You See Something, Should You Say Something?
- Meghan Casserly, Forbes
Workers Report Pressure on Ethics Rules in Survey
- Holly Rosenkrantz, Bloomberg
Some Good News and Bad News From The Ethics Resource Center?s 2011 National Business Ethics Survey
- Christopher Bauer, Christopher Bauer?s Ethics Nexus
Are Business Ethics Improving or Declining?
- Steven Mintz, Ethics Sage
Retaliation Against Whistleblowers Jumped in 2011 Says New Study
- Dana Liebelson, POGO
Survey Forecasts ?Looming Ethics Downturn? in Corporate America
- Michael Connor, Business Ethics
Published February 22, 2012Author: Lindsay Walker
Article Tags:Source:
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Orlando Vacation Rentals Offer a Step Up to ? ? Travel and Leisure ...
Booking hotel or resort rooms for your vacation is so passe. Imagine going to Disney and then having to endure hundreds, if not thousands of other guests staying at the same hotel or resort as you and your family. all of a sudden the idea of a vacation isn?t so relaxing anymore. Fortunately, there is an alternative and if you don?t like the idea of crowds, then consider renting an Orlando Vacation Rental when the time comes to decide where you?ll be staying while you?re in Central Florida.
What Vacation Rentals have to Offer
The best part about renting your own villa to vacation in during your stay is that you can enjoy total privacy from other guests while not giving up anything in terms of luxury accommodations. the best of both worlds indeed, especially if you want to have a good night?s rest after spending all day touring the sights and sounds of Orlando.
If you?ve already been to Disney or one of the other theme parks such as SeaWorld or Universal Orlando during the day, then you probably wouldn?t want a ruckus to keep you up during the night while you get some much needed rest for the day ahead, would you? the great thing about the privacy part of a vacation rental is that you can stop worrying about disturbing others, or others disturbing you during your vacation.
As well as having total privacy, another good part about renting your own vacation home is that when you?re traveling as a small party, you?ll certainly appreciate having multiple bedrooms in one residence. instead of facing the possibility of everyone in your party having to stay at different hotels or spread about all over the place in one hotel, which causes no end of trouble when meeting up for outings, you?ll simply have to rent one single villa to house everyone.
Resort-like Amenities
Not only are the bedrooms inside the villa residence just like luxury hotels, you won?t have worry about missing out on what the luxury resorts have to offer. every vacation home comes with a swimming pool as standard and if you select the right vacation rental company, you will find that they even have a concierge service that can arrange everything from transportation to dining and shopping to VIP theme park tours.
Vacation rentals also have a lot more to offer than your average hotel room. For instance, there is usually a full size kitchen so you can save money by having meals at home when you feel like it. Vacation rentals typically also have at least two or three TV sets and that can be important when you want to watch your show and someone else wants to watch theirs!
Another great thing about a rental is that it typically has a laundry area so you can save on having to haul a load of extra clothes around with you. Airlines are now starting to charge for each and every bag and that?s where the laundry comes in to save you money and aggravation.
Vacation Rental Locations
In the Orlando area there is a wide range of rental options to choose from. from 1 and 2 bedroom condos and townhouses to spacious 3 to 7 bedroom vacation homes the choice is amazing. the best vacation rentals are located within minutes of Walt Disney World, Sea World and Universal Studios so make sure you check how far away the rental of your choice actually is.
Finally, it is wise to book early, as the best vacation rentals go quickly. after all, you don?t want to be disappointed that you didn?t get the perfect Orlando vacation villa for your vacation getaway.
Nigel Worrall is President / CEO of Florida Leisure Vacation Homes & Total Real Estate Solutions. he is regularly sought by the media as a vacation home and real estate expert and has featured on NBC, ABC, Fox, CBS. he has also featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, new York Times, Newsweek, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post, Orlando Sentinel, Orlando Business Journal and several other publications. Nigel is also the best selling author of ?Big ideas For your Business? (Advantage Media). Nigel serves many clients around the world as a Realtor?, Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Investor, Mortgage Broker and Real Estate Trainer.
About Florida Leisure: Florida Leisure Vacation Homes is the leading vacation home company in the Orlando, Fla. ? Disney area, offering 3-7 bedroom private vacation homes near to all the Orlando area attractions. each home has it?s own fully equipped kitchen, 3-7 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, laundry, 2 car garage and best of all, private swimming pool.
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What Is A Best Personal Finance Software? | Personal finance blogs
People who using personal finance software surprised at how easy and helpful is to use it. You should know that some of them are better than others and it?s important that you get one that does what you need it to do. The availabilities are almost endless.
If you use your software the right way, you can have instant access to all numbers, such as your expenses, income, bills, bank accounts and investments. Therefore if you are going to get personal finance program, be sure that you will make full use of it and benefit from the features it has to offer.
To start with we would like to advice you to look for programs with the free trial offer. During the free trial time you may not have access to all of the features, but this is best way to find out how you like the set-up, is it easy to use or not. Basically, it will give you a good taste of what your software is like.
One of personal finance software with free trial period is Moneydance. This program has some good features that make it worth your attention. It gives free trial period for first 100 transaction, enough time to make decision to buy it or not. This program allows you to access all the features from a single main page, as simple as that. All you have to do is pull up the main menu, see your data and make any necessary changes, pay your bills, add or delete accounts etc. On the same time you will get advises on most important financial matters.
MoneyStrands is a free of charge online personal finance software. It makes keeping track of each of you financial accounts, like credit cards, savings very simple and gives helpful money management advises according to your way of living and your financial state. It allows you to access all of your data from phone and to communicate with other members which can be pretty helpful too.
Consider Personal Assistant Premium, not personal finance software but a vigorous mobile app that works with iPhones and iPod Touch. It lets you keep an eye on all of your transactions, like credit cards, investment portfolios, bank accounts, bills etc. There is a free version, although it is not advised if you want to keep safe your financial data. $6.99 version presents you with a bunch of options like the account deactivation in case if you lose your phone and a password feature while the free version does not.
You won?t have trouble finding a program to meet your specific needs. Even free personal finance software are worth your consideration.
About the Author
Rod Glover runs several bilingual websites with different themes ? including reviews and lists the best Home Cappuccino Makers deals in two languages, in English and Russian. There you can find his latest articles on De?Longhi Cappuccino Makers deals and many other brands.
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The Difference Between A Hook & News Peg | Understanding ...
One of the many keys to getting publicity for any business or organization is being able to tie in a hook, a news peg, or preferably, both. But what is the difference between a hook and a news peg, and how can entrepreneurs use the information in their efforts to generate small business PR?
In its simplest form, think of a hook and news peg in the following ways:
A news peg is something or an event that is currently taking place in the news (high gas prices, BP oil spill, Greece Austerity, Super Bowl).
A hook is something or an event taking place, most likely on a local level, that ties in with the news peg.
Here are a few examples of how a hook and a news peg work together to shape a story for small business PR:
When the price of gas reached $5 per gallon in 2008 thousands of news stories talked about the price hike and how drivers were coping. Business reporters chimed in with stories addressing how the rise in gas prices made an impact on the larger economy since fewer people were hitting the roads and traveling. This was a major news peg. At the time I represented a company that had a new program allowing drivers to exit their large, SUV gas guzzler vehicle lease contracts without incurring the early termination fee. This was the hook. The two fed off one another and dozens of reporters did stories all over the country on people who used the service as a way to escape their large vehicles in an effort to avoid wasting fuel in their very large vehicles. An even stronger hook would be if the company held a specific promotion or out-of-the-box event where drivers all across the country ditched their SUVs all on the same day, ultimately creating one big escape hatch. We sent out press releases, story pitches and conducted media tours around the country to tell our story.
Another example of a hook and a news peg takes us to the BP oil spill that occurred recently. I?m sure virtually everyone reading this blog post will remember the famous BP oil rig that caught fire and sank as a result of its ruptured oil pipe, ultimately spewing millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico off the New Orleans coast. For months this was one of the largest and most significant news pegs in the headlines. An environmental organization organizing a massive bird clean-up day and beach clean-up day would be considered a great hook and a news peg opportunity to generate some press coverage.
Essentially, when you tie your story into a larger story happening in the news, you have a situation where a news peg and hook can play off each other to draw the attention of the news media. This may result in some great local small business PR coverage, or it could result in national news coverage, too.
For more information on the difference between a hook and a news peg, download the PR Toolkit for Small Business today.
Here are some great PITCH opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs this week (Feb. 20-26):
Jeremy Lin: The New York Knicks basketball player and new phenom continues to attract massive attention. While there could be additional PR opportunities for Asian entrepreneurs and small businesses that are linked to the Asian heritage, it?s important to make sure your story is in good taste to avoid any public backlash.
Leap Year: This will also be a big story next week when Leap Year actually takes place, but by the end of this week you?ll start to see some stories so entrepreneurs are encouraged to begin sending out their press releases and story pitches to drum up some small business PR coverage.
Washington Avalanche: A sad and deadly story, experienced skiers died in Washington State when an avalanche rained down on skiers, proving fatal. Avalanches are mostly under-reported yet fascinating to many so any small businesses or organizations that can speak to the powers of an avalanche or address avalanche survival should contact their local news organizations and offer up tips and information that could benefit other skiers.
Winter Storm In The South: Winter isn?t over for much of the world and the Southern U.S. found this out in a harsh way. Entrepreneurs that can talk about how to get through power outages and dig out of the snow should be pitching stories this week.
Iran Halts Gas Exports: It?s spring time which means gas prices are starting to rise again. But with news that Iran is threatening to pull exports from other parts of the world gas prices may escalate sooner than they normally do. If your business can address what this means to people and businesses you should be contacting reporters covering the story.
What other examples can you share of a hook and news peg, and are there any other stories in the news this week impacting your small business PR coverage? Please leave a comment below.
John Sternal is co-founder of Sternal Communications, a PR and marketing consultancy helping businesses get noticed through publicity in the media. He is the author of the PR Toolkit for Small Business and currently authoring a book about DIY public relations for small business owners. For questions email John Sternal or connect with him @SternalPR.
Tagged as: hook and news peg, media tour, news peg, pr hook, PR Toolkit for Small Business, press release, Small Business PR, story pitch
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Biking, ??th?r competitive ?r recreational biking ?? one ?f th? m??t ????l?r activity ?n America ?nd Europe r?ght now.
W?th th? h?l? fr?m Greg LeMond ?nd Lance Armstrong, th? two grand slam American winners ?f Tour de France, th? m??t sought ?ft?r cycling event ?n th? world. Th??? two really h?l??d t? raise th? popularity ?f th? sport.
Mountain biking ?? a sport th?t h?? b??n around f?r decades now, b?t b?????? ?f th? continuous call f?r global warming awareness more ?nd more people g?t ?nt? th?? sport. Wh?t ?? g??d ?b??t mountain bike ?nd ?t? sport ?? th?t ?t fits t? peoples? ?h???? f?r more efficient economical ?nd environmental friendly activity.
Y?? m?? h??? seen ?n many TV channels wh?r? bikers r??? ?nd maneuver th??r way t? dirt trails ?nd jump through ramps ?nd find ?t ???l b?t ??t g?t frustrated b?????? ??? ??n n?t d? ?r ??? d? n?t want t? d? such thing.
Stunt biking ?? ???t one aspect ?f mountain biking, wh?t ?? more ????l?r ?ll over th? country now ?? n?t doing d?ng?r??? stunts ?nd jumping through ramps b?t biking ?? a form ?f recreational activity f?r th? family.
Though today?s high-tech technology led ?nt? th? invention ?f much more powerful mountain bikes. B?t ?f ??? ?r? ???t n?w t? th?? sport, ?t ?? best t? ?t?rt w?th th? m??t basic bike, ?f course ?t ?h??ld still b? well-m?d? f?r ???r riding convenience.
Y?? ??n visit ???r local bike shops f?r beginner bikes ?nd upgrade th? bike later. A decent bike ?h??ld n?t cost ??? more th?n $500 though. Y?? ??n ?l?? opt f?r second hand bike fr?m ???r friend ?r anyone th?t w?nt? t? sell h?? ?r h?r decent bike.
Y?? ??n ?l?? ??k experienced bikers ?b??t brand ?f bike th?? ?r? comfortable riding w?th wh?n th?? w?r? ???t starting.
Aft?r ??? h??? ??r?h???d a bike, ??? ?h??ld th?n th?nk ?f a ?l??? wh?r? ??? ??n ride ?t.
Y?? ??n ??k local bikers f?r th?? ?r ???t surf th? net ?b??t state parks ?nd national forest areas ?n ???r local area. Plus, always consider watching biking tip videos f?r responsible riding.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Social Media Marketing Strategy-How to Product One for Your ...
Social media marketing is not a new thing. As a matter of fact, many smaller and larger companies are starting to see the true value of it. The internet has become a living experience for many people because you must be sociable when online. People are experiencing the internet in a different way that they were just ten years ago. Thanks to the valid social interactions, the web is finally becoming a place where people can trust each other. This is good news for online marketers that are looking out to get the word out about their product or service. new golf balls.
Social bookmarking websites have a very big part in helping you to use social networks to your advantage. This is because it returns the power to the users. Use the influence of these websites to target your audience by bookmarking, sharing, voting and exposing your website to a larger group of people. The type of feedback you create from these websites can be awesome. The best thing about the traffic that you get from them is that it is extremely specific. For example, let us imagine that someone submits your website to Digg and it lands on the homepage.
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Sharing presentations online that you?ve created yourself is another great way, in addition to podcasts, to establish your brand and reach out to your audience. Sites like and make it simple for thousands of people to upload presentations. Sites like this are social in nature because the information is generated by users. Once you share your presentation this way, it can easily be accessed by people that are interested in it. So in a way, you?re able to reach out to the masses without really doing anything yourself, but by simply creating and sharing your presentation. buy golf clubs.
Finally, web content is slowly shifting towards video because it has become widespread due to sites like YouTube. People are getting more accustomed to watching and learning from videos, which has turned it into an effective media marketing tool. Videos are vital if you want your internet business to succeed, which is why you shouldn?t ignore them, despite the fact that there are many strategies you can build into your social media marketing campaign.
In conclusion, this article shows that social media marketing will be here for awhile. In order to get ahead of the completion and get your online business to the next level, it is really essential that you make social media marketing a part of your business plan. There?s a lot that you can achieve in a short time if you can make use of social media marketing to grow your business. There are tons of tools and resources on the Internet today that you can use to enhance your social media marketing tactics and work on creating a long term strategy. quotes on sports.
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YouTube enlists big-name help to redefine channels
CULVER CITY, California?? YouTube is enlisting Hollywood's help to reach a generation of viewers more familiar with smartphones than TV remotes.
The online video giant is aiming to create 25 hours of programming per day with the help of some of the top names in traditional TV. The Google-owned site is spreading its wealth among producers, directors, and other filmmakers, using a $100 million pot of seed money it committed last fall. The fund represents YouTube's largest spending on original content so far.
YouTube believes it is laying groundwork for the future. While the number of traditional TV watchers has leveled off in recent years, more and more people are watching video on mobile phones, tablets and computers, especially the 18- to 34-year-old age demographic that advertisers covert.
The idea is to create 96 additional YouTube channels, which are essentially artists' home pages, where viewers can see existing video clips and click "subscribe" to be notified when new content goes up.
Well-funded videos by a select roster of stars are likely to be more watchable than the average YouTube fare of cute cats and webcam monologues. YouTube is betting that a solid stream of good content will attract more revenue from advertisers, bring viewers back frequently and bolster its parent company's fledgling Web-connected-TV platform, Google TV.
The cash has enticed some of TV's biggest stars, including "Fast Five" director Justin Lin, who directs episodes of "Community," "CSI" creator Anthony Zuiker and Nancy Tellem, the former president of CBS entertainment.
Zuiker is teaming up on a horror series for YouTube after observing his own family's behavior. His three pre-teen sons spend more time on phones, iPads and computers than watching TV these days.
"We want to jointly take the risk with YouTube and roll the dice on the future," Zuiker says. "The old regime is going to falter because everybody thinks the TV is the only device that really counts, and that's just not the case."
For producers, it's a chance to create shows that are completely free of meddling from major studios. They can also stay relevant with a younger crowd whose viewing is moving increasingly online.
Several new channels such as the extreme sports-focused Network A and Spanish-language Tutele have launched already. YouTube hopes to have them all up and running by this summer.
"This was really about galvanizing the ecosystem at large," says Alex Carloss, global head of original programming for YouTube. "We see the portfolio (of funded channels) really representing the best of TV meeting the best of the Web."
YouTube isn't the only Web video service that has started to pay for original content. Netflix recently launched the original series "Lilyhammer," while Hulu premiered "Battleground." But YouTube videos tend to be under 10 minutes, instead of fitting into traditional half-hour or hour-long TV slots. And aside from a few guidelines, ultimate control is given over to the artist, including what is uploaded and when new episodes appear.
YouTubers also get away with far edgier stuff than the middle finger that rapper M.I.A. flashed during the Super Bowl halftime show.
Although YouTube's entire investment is less than half of what some studios spend on one blockbuster movie, about a third of the new channels were awarded to scrappy YouTube veterans who already know how to make it big online while keeping production costs low.
YouTube expects to recoup what it spends on the grants by sharing ad revenue the new videos generate.
At Maker Studios, which received money for three new channels, the funds have turbo-charged an already teeming operation that has about 160 full-time staff spread across several buildings crammed with props and computers in west Los Angeles.
On a recent visit, two scenes were being shot in an alley. One was for a parody of a Christmas movie trailer. The other was for a new series about a crime-fighting van called "Si, Es I, Pepe."
Maker cranks out about 300 YouTube videos each month at a bare-bones cost of about $1,000 each.
The studio's videos generate a whopping 500 million views each month, thanks largely to established hits that include Ray William Johnson's roundup of crazy videos and such viral giants as "Epic Rap Battles of History."
Advertisers pay up to $10 per thousand views for video ads that precede the featured content, according to TubeMogul, a major buyer of YouTube ads for the nation's biggest advertisers including Proctor & Gamble Co. and News Corp.'s 20th Century Fox movie studio.
Established YouTube partners share roughly half of their revenue with the site. So if Maker videos generate $1 or $2 in ad revenue per thousand views, it would just be scraping by.
Maker co-founder Danny Zappin, who quit film school to buy a high-end camera to start a career on YouTube, says it's a "tricky balance" to keep the studio's share of ad revenue higher than the cost of video-making. The undisclosed amount it got from YouTube, on top of the $1.5 million venture capital it received about a year ago, lets Maker put up more videos without waiting for the views and cash to roll in.
"It gives us resources and runway that we wouldn't otherwise have," Zappin said.
For other less-established players in online video, the money has given them an added reason to get involved.
Former CBS executive Tellem teamed up with TV entrepreneur Brian Bedol to create Bedrocket Media Ventures, an upstart production company behind several new YouTube channels, including Network A. The funding "allowed us, or caused us, to focus on YouTube ahead of other platforms," Bedol says.
Analysts believe YouTube has made a wise investment at a time ad rates for online video are rising.
YouTube can be successful with just a few big hits ? think of Rebecca Black's "Friday" ? even if thousands of videos fall flat. It's similar to the hit-or-miss approach to traditional TV and movies.
"The investor community does not look at this as money wasted," Macquarie analyst Ben Schachter says.
Since promising to share ad revenue with its most popular uploaders in 2007, YouTube has invested in original content mainly by paying for equipment and training new artists, but it was never as big as this.
Backing up its new strategy, YouTube also revamped its homepage to prioritize channels and recommendations above just the most-viewed videos. The revamp allows advertisers to target popular channels or categories of content more easily.
YouTube's funding plan takes a page from Apple's playbook. When the iPhone maker launched its App Store in 2008, a $100 million seed fund created by Silicon Valley investor John Doerr spawned hundreds of thousands of new apps.
"Our developers are not software engineers," YouTube's vice president of global content partnerships, Robert Kyncl, told a convention in January. "Our developers are Hollywood stars, are online stars, are regular folks like you and I."
If nothing else, the injection of funds will spawn content never before been seen on any screen, large or small.
"Fast Five" director Lin, who is teaming up with YouTube stars Ryan Higa and Kevin "KevJumba" Wu on the "YOMYOMF" channel, said his focus is not to try to find audiences with stereotypical Asian-American content. Rather, the idea is to give a platform to people who have unique voices but haven't been heard yet.
He says Higa and Wu didn't follow any set rules when they jumped to popularity with a mix of oddball humor, brutal honesty and rap.
"They just did what they loved, and people came," Lin said. "If we're going to fail, I would rather go out with that philosophy."
KassemG's parody of Christmas movies,
Anthony Zuiker's partner, BlackBoxTV,
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Painter Hoang Tich Chu commemorated
A ceremony to celebrate the 100th birthday of one of the founders of Vietnamese traditional lacquer painting Hoang Tich Chu (18-2-1912 ? 2012) was held in Hanoi on February 17 by the Vietnam Fine Art Association on February 17.
At the ceremony, fine art critics and researchers affirmed the great contributions Hoang Tich Chu made to Vietnamese art.
Painter Chu was born in the northern province of Bac Ninh. He studied at the Indochina Art School in Hanoi from 1936 to 1941, then joined in the revolution and was assigned to establish the first art school in Vietnam.
He laid the foundation for Vietnamese lacquer painting and created colours and layouts to develop the art form. His works depict Uncle Ho, the nation?s wars and the beauty of the country?s landscape.
Chu was presented various national and international awards during his lifetime, most notably the Ho Chi Minh Award for Art and Literature in 2000.
He passed away on October 22, 2003 at the age of 93.
Hanoi artists ?Love You Long Time? in US
Hanoi artists Nguyen Phuong Linh and Gabby Quynh-Anh Miller are co-presenting their works with several international artists at a US gallery February 16 to April 14.
Entitled Me Love You Long Time, the exhibition is a group show of contemporary art and video made since the 1990s by artists from North America and particularly those working in and descendent from Southeast Asia, said Gabby Quynh-Anh Miller in a press release this week.
The exhibition is taking place at the Aljira contemporary art center and gallery in Newark, New Jersey.
The artists use various media and complicated visual strategies to upend or explore gender expression, sexuality, sex work, and new subjectivities.
Nguyen Phuong Linh and Gabby Quynh-Anh Miller, both 25, have curated and exhibited together with international artists, including Maren Abromowitz, Lauren Anderson, Allie Furlotti, Ramona Gonzalez, Scott Grenfell, Sara Lafleur-Vetter, and Erin McElroy.
Last year, the duo presented their twork at the group exhibition Anyt?ing You Want, which included contemporary artists from Hanoi, Los Angeles, and New York.
Me Love You Long Time, curated by Edwin Ramoran, is supported by a grant from the Lambent Foundation.
For more information visit
Xoan singing preservationists honoured
Twelve groups and 59 individuals who have contributed to the preservation of hat Xoan (Xoan singing) were honoured at a ceremony in the northern province of Phu Tho on February 18.
The event was part of the ?Return to the Roots? tourism programme and honouring Xoan singing in 2012, which is being jointly held by three northern provinces: Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Lao Cai.
Ha Ke San, Vice Chairman of the Phu Tho provincial People?s Committee, said Xoan singing is a traditional rite commemorating the Hung Kings and was recorded by Confucian scholars, especially those in the Later Le dynasty.
Phu Tho originally had only four Xoan singing theatrical companies namely Kim Dai, Phu Duc, Thet and An Thai, but now there are 18 across Phu Tho and Vinh Phuc provinces, he added.
San said that UNESCO recognition of Xoan singing as a world intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent protection was mainly due to the great efforts and contributions of generations of Xoan singers.
Deputy Head of the Phu Tho Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Pham Ba Khiem, said local people should become more active in the national programme action to preserve and develop Xoan singing and popularize it in the province and across the country.
Also on the occasion, it was announced that a dossier on the Hung Kings Prayer Ritual will soon be completed to submit to UNESCO for recognition as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Awards for Japan ? Vietnam haiku contest winners
The Japanese Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities held an awards ceremony for the winners of the third Japan ? Vietnam haiku contest on February 17.
The contest received 1,675 Vietnamese haikus and 110 Japanese haikus from 608 poets across the country.
The organisers presented one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and five consolation prizes in the Vietnamese category and one first prize, one second prize, one third prize and two consolation prizes in the Japanese category.
Haiku is a short, 400 year old form of traditional Japanese poetry.
A traditional haiku consists of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of five, seven and five syllables. The theme of haikus is usually nature or the four seasons, commonly characterised by a kigo, the Japanese word for a seasonal reference.
Website of National Tourism Year launched
A website on the 2012 National Tourism Year for the North Central Coastal region in Vietnamese, English and French has been launched at
The Thua Thien-Hue Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism is co-ordinating with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to develop the Japanese version.
Throughout the tourism year, Thua Thien-Hue province will host 20 events, including 11 organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
The province has allocated VND49 trillion for 43 tourism projects in the hope of attracting as many as 2.5 million tourists to Hue this year.
Celebrities to be punished for distasteful conduct
The Performing Arts Department under the Ministry of Culture will mete out severe punishment to all celebrities who generate public controversy by wearing provocative and revealing outfits, get distasteful pictures taken and indulge in cheap actions, said Vuong Duy Bien, head of the department.
Documents submitted to the department for acquiring a performing licence by the artists are clear and explicit as to the content and subject of the performance. However, the problem arises at the time of performance itself, said Bien.
The most effective solution is to suspend their licence and ban appearances on any public media. A football player is suspended for violent behaviour and dishonesty in 1-2 matches a year. This not only hits his pocket, but also affects his reputation, Bien added.
New regulations for performing artists should be created and applied this year, he said.
In related news, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced they would assign the task of deciding whether or not to strip the title and crown of Miss Vietnam 2006, who recently generated public controversy on her leaked photos on the Internet. She wore a traditional costume but posed provocatively.
Hue architecture gets 3D look
The Hue Relics Preservation Centre and its partners have completed a project to produce 3D images that feature historic architecture of the former imperial city.
The images use real-time rendering technology to depict Vo Thanh Temple, one of the city?s most popular ancient relics, built in 1835 under the Minh Mang reign.
Designed by architect Nguyen Phuoc Thien and his staff at the HCM City University of Architecture, in-co-operation with the centre?s cultural researchers, all of the images contain sound and light effects.
Touch screens on computers are used to sketch highlights or list feedback points that can be immediately duplicated on the screens during real-time discussions among users.
?Our project can help restore historic works in Hue,? said Thien.
According to the Hue Relic Preservation Centre, the project is part of the centre?s long-term programme to preserve and expand the values of Hue?s history, culture and architecture.
?We will work with Thien and his staff to use the technology in our restoration projects,? said Phan Thanh Hai, the centre?s deputy director.
OV student becomes youngest Jeopardy winner
Thieu Kim Ngan (Monica Thieu), an 18 year-old student from the University of North Texas, has become the youngest winner of Jeopardy!, a popular US television quiz show.
She has passed through many rounds of the quiz and beat 14 others from across the country to receive a cash prize of US$100,000.
Ngan said she was quite nervous during the first round of the competition but soon calmed down in the following next rounds to give the correct answers to a series of questions. She said she was also delighted to meet Jeopardy!?s famous MC, Alex Trebek.
Ngan told the Star-Telegram newspaper that she will spend a small amount of her prize money to go shopping and use the rest to pay her tuition fees.
Jeopardy! has enjoyed a decades-long broadcast history in the US since it was created by Merv Griffin in 1964.
Horror flick reaps billions of VND after first day?s screening
TV announced Sunday that their newest horror work ?Ngoi nha trong hem? (House in the alley) reaped a box office record of VND 2.4 billion (USD 115,301) on Tuesday alone, the first day the film hit cinemas nationwide, The Thao Van Hoa Newspaper reported.
Although there is yet to be an official ranking film premiere ticket revenue in the history of local cinema, The Thao Van Hoa said the number set by ?House in the alley?, by director Le Van Kiet could very well be a new record.
The 2011 comedy ?Long Ruoi? by Charlie Nguyen, which has been established as Vietnam?s all-time biggest blockbuster, earned VND 42 billion (USD 2 million) in the month after its release.
Impressed by the first day?s number, most of the biggest cinemas in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh have decided to dedicate more screens to show the film. While Megastar Cineplex has 15 screenings a day with both digital and normal versions, Thang 8 Cinema in Hanoi dedicated 8 slots, making it the only domestic film still shown at the cinema.
Featuring a top star cast including actress Ngo Thanh Van and businessman-turned-star-actor Tran Bao Son, ?House in the alley? tells of the psychological struggle of a young couple who have lost their child.
The film has caused divided opinion among local cinema fans and critics, who complimented the acting, its post-production in America, while some said the storyline and script were weak and unpersuasive.
In addition to ?House in the alley?, Kiet directed ?Bay cap 3?, an adventure movie which has yet to be released domestically and ?Cuoi duong bang?, a TV drama about the fashion industry.
Born in 1978 in Bien Hoa, Kiet later moved to America and studied at the University of California, Los Angeles with a full scholarship. His early works in America included ?Sau ngu? (Sad fish), ?Bui doi? (Dust of life) and a number of other short films.
?Bai choi? singing to be proposed for UNESCO recognition
The Vietnam Institute of Culture and Arts is researching for the submission of a dossier on Vietnamese traditional music ?bai choi?(Bingo-in-huts) to UNESCO for world intangible heritage listing.
Originating in the central region of Vietnam, ?bai choi? singing has often been performed at local festivals. However, this kind of art faces the risk of being lost since the youth seem to be uninterested in it.
In related news, northern Vietnam?s traditional Xoan Singing has just officially become one of UNESCO?s intangible heritages on February 18 after its dossier was submitted to the intergovernmental agency for recognition last April.
The certification was conferred by Katherine Muller Marin, head of UNESCO?s office in Vietnam, at the opening ceremony of the cultural event titled ?Back to The Lands of Traditional Festival? to promote the tourism potential of the three northern provinces of Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Lao Cai.
Vietnamese models stun top designers
Vietnamese models Hoang Thuy (Hoang Thi Thuy) and Nguyen Thi Tuyet Lan impressed audiences, fashion designers and stylists with their figures and confidence on the catwalk during the recent New York Fashion Week.
After they modelled during fashion shows of American fashion designers Korto Momolu and Laurel DeWitt on Feb. 13, the two were invited to be models for leading fashion magazines in New York.
After the show, they took part in the Emerge fashion show featuring collections of designers Terry Stevens, Michael Alan Stain, Jahi Fitzerrald, Barbara Bates and Elie Kuame at the New York-based Broad Street Ballroom.
The winner of Vietnam?s Next Top Model 2011 and champion of Asian Model Search 2011 were asked by top designers Adrian Alicea, whose designs are the favourite of New York?s leading stars and Elena Vasilevsky, a winner of the 2011 Best Designer Award in the US, to wear their clothes.
Experts from IMG New York, a major publicist which represents elite athletes and other stars, said that Thuy?s strong character and impressive face could help her further her career in New York. They have also proposed cooperation with the two Vietnamese models in the future.
Thuy and Lan will appear on the catwalk wearing collections by Korto Momolu and Laurel DeWitt on Feb. 19.
BeU Model agency will send the two models to Paris to seek opportunities in one of the world?s leading fashion markets, according to Le Thi Quynh Trang, director of Vietnam?s Next Top Model.
As scheduled, Thuy and Lan performed at two shows on Feb. 13 and 19. They received so many bookings to model that they will have little free time until they return to Vietnam on Feb. 21.
The semi-annual New York Fashion Week is held in February and September of each year in New York City. It is one of four major fashion weeks held around the world, along with those in Paris, London and Milan.
89-year-old grandma joins singing contest
89-year-old Tran Thi Tuy from Nha Trang is among the eldest contestants of ?Tieng hat mai xanh?, held for middle-aged and elderly singer-wannabes since early February in Ho Chi Minh City.
Once a singer who performed on radio programs during the 1940s, Tuy still impresses the audience with her vitality, vigor health and young spirit, ?she can still sing 10 songs at a stretch,? one of her family members said.
Accompanied by relatives to Ho Chi Minh City for the contest, the senior singer took this chance to have a heart check-up.
Singing ?Trang mo ben suoi? by songwriter Le Mong Nguyen, Tuy?s voice was deemed ?clear and very strong compared with others of her age? by the show?s judges.
Organized by Ho Chi Minh Television HTV, the show ?Tieng hat mai xanh? featuring music lovers above 35-year-olds is now in its second season and considered the first singing contest of its kind in Vietnam.
In early February, 3,525 contestants from Ho Chi Minh and provinces like Can Tho, Tra Vinh, or Ca Mau have signed up to compete at the show, up 1,000 people on its last year?s number. They were later divided into three categories according to their age.
Not surprisingly, the B group (for 51- 65-year-olds) outnumbered the rest with 1,743 contestants, while the eldest A group (over 66-year-old) has only 300.
After the first preliminary round which was held from February 13-17, 100 most promising contestants of each category made it to the next round, which will be held at the Ho Chi Minh Conservatory of Music.
Veteran singer and music lecturer Tran Hieu, who judged the show?s first season last year said at this age, contestants often sing better as their life experiences helped them convey their songs more persuasively.
The show is broadcast at 22pm30 every Thursday on the local HTV7.
Canh Dieu Vang 2012 reveals film nominations
The Vietnam Cinema Association on Friday revealed a nomination list for Best Pictures for the national film award Canh Dieu Vang 2012 to be held this March in Hanoi.
Apart from ?Mui co chay? (The smell of burning grass), ?Tam hon me? (The Mother?s Heart) and ?Hot boy noi loan?? (Lost in paradise) which are the early comers, three other Tet movies including ?Le phi tinh yeu? (Fee of love), ?Hello co Ba? and ?Vu dieu duong cong? (The dance of curves) have been signed up to compete for the title.
The 2011 blockbuster ?Long Ruoi? which reaped a box office record of VND 40 billion (USD 2 million) in the domestic market and the controversial action film ?Lenh xoa so? are also among the nominees.
?Do hay day? (Here? or There?), a film which competed for New Currents award at 2011 Busan International Film Festival by overseas Vietnamese director Siu Pham completes the nomination list.
However, newly released films that have caught press and audience attention recently such as ?Thien menh anh hung? (Blood letter) or ?Loi nguyen huyet ngai? (The Curse of Blood Wormwood) are not in the list.
Thus, Nguyen Thi Hong Ngat, deputy head of the Vietnam Cinema Association said although the official deadline for film producers to register their works closed on Wednesday, they will wait for more applications to come until early March.
However organizers have yet to unveil their judges? names, saying they were considering a few names and would announce the panel soon.
The event?s official press conference is held on March 1, followed by a film seminar for industry professionals on March 10. Free screenings of nominated movies will also be organized this year, as side activities of the event.
First held in 2003 by the Vietnam Cinema Association, besides big screen movies, Canh Dieu Vang also grant awards to outstanding television dramas, documentaries and scientific documentaries and animations.
The 2012 Canh Dieu Vang Awards will be held at Vietnam ? Russian Cultural Center on March 17 and directed by journalist Trinh Le Van.
Berlin film fest?s director to visit Vietnam
Heinz Hermanns, director of the Berlin International Short Film Festival (Berlin Interfilm Festival), will visit Ho Chi Minh City on his teaching tour to 6 Southeast Asian countries.
Under the plan, Hermanns will arrive in HCMC on February 23 and have a meeting titled ?The Art of Short films? with local media, cineastes, students and filmmakers in the next morning.
The event will also showcase some winning works made by local filmmakers from several short filmmaking contests such as The 48 Hour Film and Yxine.
Born in West Germany, Heinz Hermanns founded the annual Berlin Interfilm Festival in 1982 and has run it ever since. The festival has become one of the biggest short film festivals in the world and the second leading film festival in Germany after the Berlin International Film Festival.
In 1986, Hermanns also headed the Berlin International Documentaries Festival. In 2011, he co-founded and headed the ?Going Underground? super short film festival held in the Berlin subways.
Hermanns has also held workshops on short films in many countries, produced and directed several short films as well as written scripts and articles about short movies in different languages including German, English, Italian and Spanish.
The meeting will take place at 10 am on February 24 at Hoa Sen University at 93 Cao Thang Street in District 3.
Hanoi screens 48h filmmaking contest?s best movies
An outdoor screening featuring best movies from last year?s 48 Hour Film Project international filmmaking contest in Hanoi is taking place in the capital city in 2 days from 6pm today.
The event will showcase 30 short films selected from 100 participating movies of the contest held last October.
The movies include the first prize winner ?The Safe? and other films like ?Late Puzzle,? ?The Patch,? ?Cold,? ?The Precious Ordinary Things,? ?When You Find Nothing At All,? ?Revival and Black Marbles,? ?The 1st Day of Autumn,? and ?Through The Rainbow.?
The winning movie ?Turtle Soup? from Ho Chi Minh City will also be featured at the event.
?Turtle Soup? and ?The Safe? will attend the Filmapolooza 2012, the finale festival for the 2011 48 Hour Film project festivals around the world, to be held on March 2-5 in New Mexico, America.
?A Good Day To Die,? the 2010 festival?s winning entry, was selected to be screened in Cannes in May that year after impressing audiences and experts at the Filmapolooza festival.
Last year?s 48 Hour Film Project, whose jury included America renowned director Phillip Noyce and Vietnamese directors Vinh Son and Nguyen Quang Dung, attracted around 500 young filmmakers in HCMC and Hanoi.
Instituted in the US in 2001 by Mark Ruppert and Liz Langston, the 48 Hour Film Project requires contestants to write, shoot, edit, and complete a short film within two days. It saw the participation of nearly 3,500 shorts in 84 cities around the world in 2010.
The screening is being held at the Pico Mall at 229 Tay Son Street.
Last December, an outdoor screening featuring best movies from the HCMC?s contest also successfully concluded in the city.
Overseas director back with third romantic comedy
The official poster of ?Love puzzle?Chanh Phuong Films and Galaxy Studio have just released the official trailer and pictures of ?Cuoi ngay keo lo? or ?Love puzzle?, the newest work of Vietnamese-American director Charlie Nguyen.
Charlie is most known internationally for his 2007 martial film ?The Rebel?, which was picked up for distribution by The Weinstein Company. It has won audiences and grand jury awards at film festivals and broken box office records in Vietnam.
?Love puzzle?, Charlie?s third rom-com after ?The Rebel?, is expected to surpass the box office records of his earlier movies like ?De mai tinh? (Fool for love) or the 2011 blockbuster ?Long Ruoi?, which reaped USD 2 million in the domestic market.
The film features an all-star cast including Charlie?s brother, actor and producer Johnny Tri Nguyen, model and actress Dinh Ngoc Diep and the sensational comedian Thai Hoa.
Hoa is a theatre actor and director who rose to national fame after portraying Huong Hoi, a rich homosexual businessman in ?Fool for love?. It earned him the leading role in the subsequent movie ?Long Ruoi?.
?Love puzzle? tells the love story of Khanh Linh, a young and successful fashion editor with Son, 30-year-old handsome photographer, also a womanizer and Bich Tram, a flamboyant stylist played by Hoa.
The film secures a top production team including director of cinematography Trinh Hoan, music composer Christopher Wong and designer Tran Trung Linh.
It is scheduled to hit nationwide screens on April 20.
Hanoi exhibits Vietnamese landscapes by Polish artist
An exhibition of Vietnamese landscape paintings organised by the Embassy of Poland in Vietnam will be held in Hanoi from March 3-10.
Painter Franciszek Ryszard Mazurek will exhibit 33 landscape paintings that will portray the beauty of Vietnam, a country he travelled through in October 2011.
Franciszek was born in 1951 and graduated in fine arts from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. Since 1979 he has held more than 30 solo exhibitions in Poland, Ukraine, Germany, France, United Arab Emirates, Moldavia, Romania and Belgium and participated in more than 11 group exhibitions in Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Romania and Hungary.
His works present an awareness of irreversible change in nature?s rhythm and in civilization. They preserve and hold on to the characteristics of a particular place in an ever changing landscape.
The exhibition will be on view at Exhibition House, 29 Hang Bai Street, Hanoi
Eclectic Australian band to perform in northern Vietnam
The Australian band, Visions of A Nomad, will be performing in Hanoi on February 23 and 24.
The concerts are part of Australian Culture and Education Week (February 17-25), a series of events organized by the Australian Embassy in Hanoi.
Vision of A Nomad ?likes to make music with ?substance,? a cohesion of art and music accessible to the masses, covering all genres and drawing on all the world?s musical influences,? according to the band?s website.
In 1990, Michael Cuming founded the group, seeking to fuse old and new traditions to form a new genre. The group?s highly original repertoire, accompanied by the didgeridoo, is energetic and evocative.
During the trip to Hanoi, Vision of A Nomad will perform at the University of Foreign Trade and the University of Commerce on February 23 and 24 respectively. Admission is free.
Vietnam archeology conference set for Hanoi
The Goethe-Institut Hanoi will host an international scientific conference from February 29th until March 2 focusing on preparations for an archaeological exhibition on the Thang Long citadel in Germany.
An archaological exhibition on the city of Thang Long?s early days will take place in Germany in 2014-2015 as the first exhibition of artifacts from the country?s 1,000 year-old capital (now Hanoi) outside Vietnam.
The Goethe conference will host 20 lectures and will give an overview of Vietnam?s rich culture, ranging from the Stone Age, Dong Son culture as well as the current research on the citadel of Thang Long.
During this conference, famous experts will also comment on a number of archaeological as well as historical questions from various fields.
For more detail, contact Mrs. Daniela Schrudde at
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Syrian forces fire on mourners near Assad's palace
Syrian security forces fired live rounds and tear gas at thousands of people marching Saturday in a funeral procession that turned into a protest in Damascus, killing at least one person, activists said. It was one of the largest demonstrations in the capital since the 11-month uprising against President Bashar Assad began.
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The fresh violence erupted during a visit by an envoy from China, which along with Russia recently supported Syria by vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have condemned Assad's regime. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun urged dialogue and called on all parties to stop violence that has killed more than 5,400 people since March of last year, according to the U.N.
China has sought to deflect some of the stinging international criticism over its Feb. 4 veto of the Security Council resolution with stepped-up diplomacy, following the example set by Russia. After a meeting with Assad, Zhai said Beijing favors a solution to Syria's ongoing violence within the framework of the Arab League and based on proposals the group already put forward.
"China supports all the mediation efforts by the Arab League to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis and calls upon relevant parties to increase communication and negotiations to find a peaceful and appropriate solution," a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry's website quoted him as saying.
The statement did not say whether China supported the Arab League call for Assad to transfer powers to his deputy, a plan it opposed and vetoed at the Security Council, and this week at the General Assembly.
Syria was also getting support from Iran, its closest ally in the Middle East. Iranian state-run Press TV said two Iranian navy ships have docked in the Syrian port of Tartus to provide maritime training to Syria's naval forces under an agreement signed between the two countries a year ago.
Iran's semiofficial Mehr agency said the fleet consisted of a destroyer and a supply ship. The report said the ships arrived Friday, a day after they received permission from the Egyptian armed forces to sail through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea on their way to the Syrian coast. The reports could not be confirmed and there was no official comment from Syria.
More than 8,500 people have died since the crackdown started more than 11 months ago, said Rafif Jouejati, a spokeswoman for the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, CNN reported.
In Damascus, several people were wounded when security forces opened fire on mourners at the funeral procession in the Mazzeh district. Activists including the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said one person was killed. It added security forces dispersed the protesters and conducting a campaign of raids and arrests following the protest.
The funeral was held for three people killed by security forces on Friday following protests in the area. The activist network Local Coordination Committees said two people died in the gunfire Saturday, but the report could not be immediately verified.
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It said few people were wounded and several people also suffered difficulties breathing from tear gas.
The activist who witnessed the violence said the procession numbered around 15,000, making it among the largest anti-government gatherings in regime-controlled central Damascus since the start of the revolt inspired by other Arab Spring uprisings around the Middle East and North Africa. While other Syrian cities have witnessed almost daily violence, and more recently clashes between regime forces and army defectors, Damascus has remained largely quiet.
Video: Hundreds dead as Syria's army tears through cities (on this page)"It was a huge funeral that turned into a protest," said the activist, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. "There was no fear among the participants."
Amateur videos filmed by activists and posted online showed a crowd of people shouting "Allahu Akbar," or God is great, and "One, one, one, the Syrian people are one!"
The Observatory said four other people were killed in Syria on Saturday, including one in the central city of Homs who died from sniper fire and another in the north, who was shot by security forces conducting raids.
The new violence broke out shortly after the Chinese envoy met with Assad at the presidential palace.
Video: Syria under siegeIn their talks, Assad described the crisis in Syria as a conspiracy to split the country.
The revolt "aims mainly to divide (the country) and hit its geopolitical place and historic role in the region," he was quoted by state-run state agency SANA as saying.
Zhai, speaking to reporters following the meeting, said he was hopeful Syrian authorities would restore stability to the country soon.
Zhai backed a referendum that is at the center of the regime's plan to defuse the unrest, and said China was "extremely concerned" about the escalation of the crisis. The referendum would decide on the country's new draft constitution that would create a multiparty system in Syria, ruled by the Assad family for 40 years.
The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday in favor of a nonbinding resolution backing an Arab League plan calling for Assad to step down and strongly condemning human rights violations by his regime. Russia and China vetoed a similar resolution in the Security Council and voted against the measure in the General Assembly.
"China has no selfish interests," Zhai said, defending the veto. He added that China's "objective and just" position on Syria stemmed from its basic interest in the welfare of the Syrian people.
China says the resolution put undue emphasis on pressuring the Syrian government and prejudged the result of any dialogue between the parties to the conflict.
The veto also appears to be rooted in China's deep-seated opposition to humanitarian intervention in other nations. China fears such intervention would legitimize outside interference in its own problems in the restive western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet.
Zhai urged Syrians to participate in the planned referendum
Assad's call for a referendum, set for Feb. 26, has raised the question of how a nationwide vote could be held at a time when many areas see daily battles between Syrian troops and rebel soldiers. The opposition has opposed the referendum.
Zhai said the referendum "would be in the interest of the Syrian people."
Only in light of stability could Syria conduct comprehensive political reforms, he said.
The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
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